For a world of tomorrow
We want to set new standards. Even in the fashion industry, animal welfare and dealing respectfully with the resources of our planet is possible. Our mission is to demonstrate this.
For us, it’s not only about the end product, but also about how it’s made, about the raw materials that we use, as well as about dealing fairly and respectfully with all the stakeholders in the production process. We regard our vegan collections as homage to the end of exploitation of animals and people.
Of course we would like to sell our fashion; but we also want to have a positive social impact. With our work, we want to contribute to people increasingly accepting responsibility for flora and fauna, and by doing so develop a new consciousness. We regard this as an important step towards solidarity and a social life that contributes to environmental protection and nature conservation and thus to the livelihoods of future generations.
Every animal has the right to being loved and valued. We want to create the conditions for a more just world, a world of tomorrow. We are convinced that luxurious and exclusive fashion can also work as vegan, without animal suffering. Our glamorous collection manifests that approach. We let vegan shine. And make a statement. Make the world a more loving place.
We donate 100 % of our profit to animal protection organizations.

„Die vegane High-End-Modemarke GIULIA & ROMEO in München verbindet einzigartige Kollektion und innovative Fashionhighlights mit sinnstiftendem Engagement. Das Ziel: eine bessere Welt für alle Tiere. Als erste 100% vegane Designer-Modemarke spendet GIULIA & ROMEO sämtliche Gewinne an Tierrechtsorganisationen auf der ganzen Welt. Wir von PETA Deutschland sind Stolz einen so starken Partner an unserer Seite zu wissen und Danken GIULIA & ROMEO für Ihren fortwährenden Einsatz.“
Mitbegründer und 2. Vorsitzender PETA Deutschland e.V.

« Giulia and Romeo is at the vanguard of innovation. But more than that it’s heart is ethical vegan innovation as is the heart of it’s founder. Daniela Bruner. We are honored to receive donations from this compassionate, wonderful brand and to call Daniela an activist and friend. »
Founder Animal Equality

Made with love
Our fashion is entirely animal-free. We use sustainable natural fabrics, innovative materials like pineapple leather, and are constantly searching for suppliers who perfectly meet our standards for sustainability, origin, and production methods. Whether it’s organic jersey, Ipeker, or Ecopel, we collaborate with producers who align most closely with our values.
Our luxurious lifestyle fashion is crafted from vegan, high-quality, organic materials. Not only the fabrics but also adhesives and additives are 100% vegan and environmentally friendly.
We stand out from the everyday and the ordinary by focusing on durability and quality. We want our designer fashion to remain beautiful for a long time, making a statement for sustainability and against fast consumption. We act in accordance with our values and aim to contribute to the well-being of animals, people, and nature.
Our brand is an ethical demand for honesty, reliability, and integrity. We reflect on our actions and thoughts through a moral lens and advocate for the preservation of our planet. No animal should have to suffer for our clothing. We want to do good – and inspire others to do the same. That’s why we create cruelty-free fashion.

Sustainable and exclusive
By craftsmanship we mean an innovative use of materials. We are always on the lookout for new techniques in order to invent environmentally and animal-friendly alternatives to conventional production methods. Our packaging, too, is designed to be sustainable and at the same time exclusive and luxurious.
Our supply chains are short, our production local. Our entire fashion line is produced in Germany and handmade with lots of love. Short distances and high-quality workmanship are important to us. Both those guarantee production by tailors in the immediate surroundings. Our aim is to harm neither animals nor our planet by the production of our collection. We want to treat the resources of this planet and our service providers with appreciation and manufacture our products in the most environmentally friendly way possible.
As we do not mass produce, and like to spontaneously buy unusual fabrics, of which sometimes only a few meters are available, we produce many of our garments in lower quantities as limited editions. Our sustainable production chain also forms a contrast with mass production. This limitation increases the exclusivity of our fashion and creates desirability.
With our fashion, we make statements that are politically and socially relevant. We make clothes for the world of tomorrow. Fashion with a message for a better future.
Responsibility has a price. That is why our fashion is expensive and exclusive.